Use "refer|referred|referring|refers" in a sentence

1. When you refer to someone's Complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face

2. "Aerobatic" refers specifically to flight, and "Acrobatic" refers specifically to feats of the human body, so referring to an aircraft as performing Acrobatics is wrong

3. SKU can also refer to a unique identifier or code that refers to the particular stock keeping unit.

4. Bouvet refers to the characters ti and shang-ti as being the most commonly used in referring to the Sovereign Lord.

5. 26 Its truth-value does not depend on whether there actually occurred the happy event referred to by the second referring expression.

6. The word Cephalothorax is derived from a Greek word, cephalo refer to head and thorax refers to the abdomen.

7. 20 refer to sb/sth to mention or speak about sb/sth: The victims were not referred to by name.

8. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) When Bible writers refer to Christians as slaves of God, they are not referring to abject servitude based on coercion.

9. Judicial Activism refers to the judicial philosophy that is sometimes referred to as "legislating from the bench".

10. Bourgeois also refers to the middle class, but it can also refer to an individual middle class person or be used as an adjective that refers to characteristics of the middle class.

11. The title of the play refers to the slang word "Bent" used in some European countries to refer to homosexuals.

12. The term Blasphemy refers to saying something about God that is disrespectful. It can also refer to degrading religious concepts or literature

13. (The Fort, however, continued to be referred to as Bassein Fort and that is how I will refer to is from now on.)

14. The term "Backflip" can actually refer to several different types of a flip, but always refers to a flip that rotates backwards

15. Cacao (pronounced “cu-COW”) refers to the Theobroma Cacao tree from which Cocoa is derived, and is used when referring to unprocessed versions of the Cacao bean


17. Although strictly speaking, “Ashkenazim” refers to Jews of Germany, the term has come to refer more broadly to Jews from Central and Eastern Europe

18. Bilateral Pneumonia or as it is more commonly referred to “double pneumonia” refers to an infection that occurs in both of the lungs.

19. Allistic Also referred to as nypical, the term refers to all non-autistic people, which comprises both neurotypicals and non-autistic neurodivergent people

20. In addition to referring to "trickery," the noun Chicane is used to refer to an obstacle or a series of tight turns in opposite directions on a racecourse

21. AOS has also been referred to in the clinical literature as verbal Apraxia or dyspraxia.For the purpose of this page, AOS will refer to acquired

22. "Dinnerware" is another term used to refer to tableware and "Crockery" refers to ceramic tableware, today often porcelain or bone china

23. Heart pain (also referred to as cardialgia or Cardiodynia) is a general expression for any heart-related sensation of pain, and may in particular refer to:

24. You might have seen it referred to as a cheek swab, Buccal swab, or a Buccal smear test, but they all refer to the same procedure.

25. 20 Biennia" typically refers to the immediate prior biennium for 21 reappropriations, but may refer to multiple Biennia in the case of 22 specific projects

26. Possibly referring to the Levites.

27. Carnal, sensual, fleshly, animal all refer to bodily rather than rational or spiritual aspects of humans. Carnal, although it may refer to the body as opposed to the spirit, often refers to sexual needs or urges: Carnal cravings, attractions, satisfactions.

28. 16 Biennia" typically refers to the immediate prior biennium for 17 reappropriations, but may refer to multiple Biennia in the case of 18 specific projects

29. To the extent math refers to reality, we are not certain; to the extent we are certain, math does not refer to reality. Albert Einstein 

30. Biologic adjective Referring to biology; Biological

31. Perhaps referring to the wise child.

32. Adjective Referring to a Coronal slice

33. Use Between when referring to one-to-one relationships. Use among when referring to indistinct or nonspecific relationships

34. When used in the singular, Alumnus (which is a male form in Latin) sometimes refers specifically to a male former student, with alumna being the corresponding female term, but the plural alumni generally refers to both sexes (the plural form alumnae may be used when referring to …

35. "Prior 16 Biennia" typically refers to the immediate prior biennium for 17 reappropriations, but may refer to multiple Biennia in the case of 18 specific projects

36. Methane Clathrates refer to methane gas trapped within water ice, discovered deep underneath ocean sediments worldwide. Methane clathrate is sometimes also referred to as methane hydrate or methane ice

37. A Bilobed placenta also referred to as bipartite placenta, is a variation in placental morphology and refers to a placenta separated into two near equal-sized lobes

38. ‘A1’ and ‘B1’, when referring to the level of language skills, mean the levels established by the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as referred to in Annex VII;

39. Adapter in its internal style guide, namely, use Adaptor when referring to devices and adapter when referring to people.

40. When the referring party Approbates and reprobates

41. Austral means Southern in Latin when referring…

42. Anabiotic adjective Referring or pertaining to Anabiosis

43. In the United States, Coriander typically refers to Coriander seed or ground Coriander, while cilantro is the term used to refer to the fresh leaves of the Coriander plant

44. The referring expression is grammatically called subject.

45. 14 I am referring to collecting information.

46. Auricular adjective Referring to: (1) Atrial Auricular

47. Apparently referring to the capital city, Samaria.

48. 1 You know who I'm referring to.

49. Admixture may refer to: Genetic Admixture, the result of interbreeding between two or more previously isolated populations within a species Racial Admixture, Admixture between humans, also referred to as miscegenation

50. "Aforementioned"Above-mentioned (not always hyphenated) is good English and is still regularly used in letters, articles or notes when referring to something already referred to or outlined earlier in the piece

51. CocaColonization (alternatively coca-Colonization) refers to the globalization of American culture (also referred to as Americanization) pushed through popular American products such as soft drink maker Coca-Cola

52. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin condition characterized by dry, itchy skin. AD is often referred to as eczema, a word that refers to a broader group of …

53. Adherens junctions are also referred to as zonula Adherens, intermediate junction, or as belt desmosomes. Zonula means small zone or belt-like, and Adherens refers to adhesion (sticking together)

54. By mentioning “God,” was Ehud referring to Chemosh?

55. Biosimilar adjective Referring to a Biosimilar therapeutics agent

56. Evidently referring to Bozrah, the capital of Edom.

57. 15 Was the old nun referring to hands?

58. Binucleated adjective Having or referring to 2 nuclei

59. Binucleated adjective Having or referring to 2 nuclei

60. Probably from Brocken, referring to the mountain's erosion

61. You may have heard chefs referring to Coulis

62. Referring to this property: the Associative laws of …

63. Jesus apparently was referring to a sewing needle.

64. Obviously, Steve was referring to a Bilateral meeting

65. The Anaphoric (referring) term is called an Anaphor

66. 11 Was the old nun referring to hands?

67. Emily. : Are you referring to the navigational system?

68. Possibly referring to rods used for storing bread.

69. 8 No referring back to books or notes!

70. A proper noun is a noun that identifies a single entity and is used to refer to that entity, such as London, Jupiter, Sarah, or Microsoft, as distinguished from a Common noun, which is a noun that refers to a class of entities (city, planet, person, corporation) and may be used when referring to instances of a specific class (a city, another planet, these persons, our corporation).

71. Constituent # Order in which the National Ocean Service lists the Constituents Name Common name used to refer to a particular constituent, subscript refers to the number of cycles per day Amplitude

72. Allergin may refer to: Allergen

73. Androgyny, thereafter, was used to refer to a situation in which a person’s gender is not clearly defined. Androgyny refers to a situation in which a person's gender is not clearly defined.

74. Refer to the Array as a whole when you want to refer to all the values it holds, or you can refer to its individual elements.

75. Bloodsucker may also refer to:

76. Bridewell may refer to: Buildings

77. Bilingualism may also refer to:

78. Refer to Official Church Resources

79. "Refer" and "level" are palindromes.

80. I refer to organized crime.